Multiple Intelligence and Aptitude Test

Discover Yourself and Your Ideal Career.

Using advanced machine learning, psychometrics, and career satisfaction data, we’ve reimagined what a career test can be. Also with benefits of personal Career Guidance and Counseling and you can further drill down and figure out the best matching career option by choosing the standardized Career Aptitude Test. So Register with Edglobe and discover the "real you".

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A complete test

Edglobe MIAT is a multidimensional tool, which comprises multiple tests, which measure various parameters of the individual’s personality temperament & skills.

Personality Test

Personality is something that we informally assess and describe every day. When we talk about ourselves and others, we frequently refer to different characteristics of an individual's personality. Psychologists do much the same thing when they assess personality but on a much more systematic and scientific level. The test used here is the MMDI European version.

Emotional Quotient

EQ (Emotional Quotient) is a term used in psychometric to identify Emotional Intelligence (EI) Emotional Intelligence or EI is referred to as the ability to recognize, evaluate and regulate your own emotions.

Intelligent Quotient

An IQ test is a psychological measure of a person’s intelligence quotient. IQ is a theoretical construct used by psychologists within standardized tests as a means of describing one’s intelligence level.

Numerical Intelligence

Numerical reasoning tests contain questions that test your knowledge. This test covers basic arithmetic (addition, subtraction multiplication and division), number sequences and simple mathematics (percentages, powers, fractions, etc). This type of test can be categorized as a speed test and is used to determine your basic numeracy.

Mechanical Intelligence

Mechanical reasoning tests are commonly administered for technical and engineering positions. The mechanical aptitude test measures your ability to understand and apply mechanical concepts and principles to solve problems. The questions you can expect will tend to concentrate on principles rather than on making calculations.

Linguistic Intelligence

The purpose of a linguistic test is to determine a person's knowledge and/or ability in the language and to discriminate that person's ability from that of others. Such ability may be of different kinds, achievement, proficiency or aptitude.


Edglobe MIAT is an online tool that provides personal insights of a student who has taken the psychometric test from the website. It is designed to analyze the characteristics of a person and generate reports automatically based on the answers given. People are conscious about the necessity of character building, identifying their internal attitudes to a particular field and inborn skills so that they can perform well in this competing world. This application helps students who want to pursue their goals by adapting their learning or activities according to their talents and personal traits resulting in a larger success in the procedure.

The human social standards and knowledge gaining skills are evolving with time, studies in the field of psychology and human behaviour discovered various powers of the human brain and its potential to think and act.

In a very basic sense, humans are biomechanical machines controlled by the chemical reactions taking place inside their brains. Of course, the reasons to trigger these reactions vary from human to human according to the environment they are exposed to and cultural, social, physical spaces. We call these behaviours as the character traits of a person. The combination of these characteristics or qualities forms an individual’s distinctive character is the Personality. There are many personality types identified by modern psychologists according to the difference in the character traits. Each of these personalities shows different characteristics, abilities, or expertness in various situations.

By identifying the personality and which trait it contains profoundly will help the person to attain more accomplishments in life. For example, a person with extravert characteristics and social interaction capacity will perform well in politics rather than being a research fellow or a writer. Edglobe MIAT helps the individuals to identify their deep characteristic traits and to build their life accordingly with a plan to face the situations and to achieve the life goal